On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:20 AM, Balwinder S Dheeman <bdhee...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 01/17/2012 10:13 PM, Praveen A wrote:
>> 2012/1/17 Balwinder S Dheeman<bdhee...@gmail.com>:
>>> On 01/17/2012 08:08 PM, Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) wrote:
>>>> Great news indeed.  I hope many more sites join the protest.  I would
>>>> black out kandalaya.org, if anyone ever visited there :)
>>> IMHO, there is no harm in joining race, but will these kinds of protests
>>> be
>>> effective enough, I doubt.
>> http://news.cnet.com/8301-**13506_3-57327681-17/tumblr-**
>> users-fight-sopa-with-87834-**calls-to-congress/<http://news.cnet.com/8301-13506_3-57327681-17/tumblr-users-fight-sopa-with-87834-calls-to-congress/>
>> "87,834 calls were placed to representatives. The average call lasted
>> 53 seconds, while the longest came in at 31 minutes, the company said.
>> A total of 1,293 total hours were spent talking to representatives."
>> That was just one website, now lets see how much impact when lot many
>> popular sites including reddit and wikipedia does blackout tomorrow.
> Wow! that's good, I was not sure; but only in doubt.
>  A better protest must/should effect or interrupt working and lives of the
>>> policy/law makers or it at least must stop generation of taxes for a day
>>> or
>>> two ;)
>> some protest is better than no protest, and if you are waiting for the
>> perfect protest it may never happen!
>>  Since, the politicians, bureaucrats or governments are not different
>>> anywhere. The democracy, socialism or whatever the intellectuals can
>>> think
>>> of are just cloaks for them to loot the general people. The agony is
>>> people
>>> empower them themselves on every term so that the politicians can rule
>>> them
>>> :P
>>> And ... and this has been happening since long :(
>> and citizens are more or less same every where too! If you just look
>> back to 2011, you can see how much change was made possible by people
>> rising up. Would you have believed Hosni Mubarak won't be in power if
>> someone told you a year back?
> Yeah, we observed a lot of change all over world in the recent past.
>  We can at least make it a topic of conversation in our circles. Better
>> light a candle than blame the darkness!
> Agreed, that's what I was trying to do; enlighten people, more and more
> though me also am not different since I'm also struggling just to make a
> livelihood, hence I'm unable to devote much time.
> --
> Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman
> (http://werc.homelinux.net/**contact/ <http://werc.homelinux.net/contact/>
> )

Openlx.com   and Kalculate.com  have joined this strike.

*Wish you an "era of Realization & Mobilization"*

*Best wishes of Peace, Force & Joy,  for 2012 and beyond !*
Sudhir Gandotra.
+91-98101-20918 / +91-93124-65666

*You don't need violence to shake the world*

*www.humanistvoice.in - voice of the 99%
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