2012/2/11 Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) <r...@linux-delhi.org>:
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: Funny Indian names
> Date: Friday 10 Feb 2012
> From: Richard Stallman <r...@gnu.org>
> To: Raj Mathur <r...@kandalaya.org>
> Indian names and their meanings
> Atul -- studies too hard
> Anuj -- annoys everyone
> Anoop -- can't get anything done
> Swapnil -- keeps everything in his memory
> Ranjit -- uses a fast Java platform
> Can you think of any to add?
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Please add any geeky ones you can think of... I came up with:
> Sanjay -- keeps all data on fast network storage
> Ram -- the obvious :)
> Manish -- always busy consulting the documentation
> Ajay -- develops Java and YAML
> Sunil -- fails at becoming root

ANU --  Anu is Not Unix

I like this best, since RMS while naming the free OS he looked for a
meaningful names that can be recursive acronyms and chose the first
meaningful word and halted at GNU.  I would have halted at ANU.

ANU is not funny though!


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