
SPcits, feels proud and privileged to announce one of  its most important
course coming through your way. You can get the zist of the course in our
free demo class that will be commencing on the coming Sunday (dated: 25th
march, 2012) the details of which are given below:


104, First Floor,
21st century plaza, Community Center,
Sector-8, Rohini (E) , Delhi 110085

Date: 25th march, 2012

Time: 11 am to 1 pm

Facebook Event Link :


Registration will be on the basis of First come First Serve which is a must
for this demo class.

For further details please contact the undersigned.

Name : Shubhneet Goel :

Number : 09971033908

E-Mail :

Detailed Course Content



*SPcits Certified Metasploit Expert*

Only being active in the security community is not enough until and unless
one is aware about “METASPLOIT”, which is the most famous tool and majorly
used by penetration tester and so by hackers. Metasploit is an open source
security project that contains the information about vulnerabilities is
actually the factual description of METASPLOIT.

In actual practice, the phenomena metasploit occurs just by pulling out the
entire available exploit in a single place.
In order to execute, exploit code against any machine, this metasploit
framework is used as a framework.

The structure of the course is given below:

  This course has its roots deep in the grounds of open-source tool
Metasploit. It aims at evangelizing the participants the extreme usage of
Metasploit framework, moving ahead many steps than just “point-click-
exploit”. Training will also be provided to the participants in different
phases and modules which also include the techniques that will be used to
exploit vulnerabilities. Also, Database hacking and real world scenarios
will be demonstrated. It will be a total Hands-on practice in our labs.

Besides, this the participants will also learn how to customize exploits to
the Metasploit Framework.


On the completion of the course:

   - Partisans will be able to understand the Metasploit Exploitation
   - Partisans will have a deep knowledge of  Advance exploitation using
   - Partisans can easily extend the Metasploit framework with custom


   - Security Enthusiasts willing to understand security.
   - Security Professionals looking to enhance their skills in ‘pen-test’
   with advance usage of Metasploit


   - Basic knowledge about information security
   - Basic knowledge in networks (TCP/IP)
   - Familiar with command line interface


   - *64 HOURS ***


*MODULE 1 :* Metasploit Fundamentals

   - Msfcli**
   - Msfweb**
   - Msfconsole**

  *MODULE 2* : Information Gathering

   - Port Scanning
   - Auxiliary Plug-ins
   - Hunting for MSSQL
   - Service identification
   - Password sniffing
   - SNMP sweeping

*MODULE 3 : *Vulnerability Scanning

   - SMB Login Check**
   - VNC Authentication**
   - Open X11**
   - WMAP Web Scanner**
   - Working With NeXpose**
   - Working With Nessus**
   - Nessus Via Msfconsole
   - Using the database

  *MODULE 4: *Using Exploits and payloads

   - Using  MSF to Exploit Browsers and Servers **

*MODULE 5 **: *Post Exploitation

   - Key Logging.**
   - Persistent Meterpreter Service.**
   - Meterpreter Backdoor.**

  *MODULE 6 **:*Client Side Exploits

   - Binary Payloads.**
   - Antivirus Bypass.**
   - Binary Linux Trojan.**
   - Java Applet Infection.**
   - Client Side Attacks.**
   - VBScript Infection Methods.**

  *MODULE 7 **:*Metasploit Extended Usage

   - PHP Meterpreter.**
   - Backdooring EXE Files**
   - Browser Autopwn**

  *MODULE 8:* Metasploit Extras.

   - Armitage**
   - Fast-Track**

Course Fee : Rs. 12,500 (Includes Books,Toolkit & Taxes)

This course will give you the flavour of real world hacking n security,
Looking forward to see you all in the course.

With Best Regards

*Shubhneet Goel*

*Mobile:* +91- 9971033908
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