
Here are some brief notes on the meeting:
* There were 18 people in attendance, which
   was very good as per recent standards

* Even better was the quality of the discussion:
  There were several people with excellent
  insights into <buzzword>big data</buzzword>
  from both an academic/research perspective,
  and from the perspective of commercial
  - The response to this meeting probably
    warrants more follow-up meetings which
    might be more focused on presentations
    on specific topics in this area.

* The question of what to do with the
   ILUG-Delhi organisation led to a heated
   discussion on other, related topics on how
   ILUG-D was run.
   - In any case, we will soon need to have
     an AGBM to discuss this, and come up
     with a concrete future for ILUG-D. Please
     watch this space for announcements.

* Many thanks to Herr Doktor Lynn for local
  hostilities, good food, and the courtesy of
  offering his house for post-meeting dinner.


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