On Monday 23 Jul 2012, Balwinder S Dheeman wrote:
> On 07/23/2012 10:22 AM, Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) wrote:
> > Can you suggest a utility or web page instructions for installing a
> > pre- built Linux disk image over the network?
> > 
> > We have a bare machine with PXE and a server with a Linux disk
> > image. Need the flow to get this image onto the bare machine's
> > disk.
> Please read
> <http://anu.homelinux.net/pub/FreeBSD/tftpboot/README.txt>, though
> you may find it a little bit FreeBSD specific, but the logic is same
> for Linux ISO images.
> I also keep mounted Debian-Live, GRML, LinuxMint and Ubuntu ISO
> images:

Thanks Balwinder (incidentally, do your initials drive you to affinity 
with a particular flavour of Unix? :)

I'm looking more at an installable image, for which there have been 
numerous suggestions, both on- and off-list.  Also now waiting for 
Ashish'  tour-de-force.


-- Raj
Raj Mathur                          || r...@kandalaya.org   || GPG:
http://otheronepercent.blogspot.com || http://kandalaya.org || CC68
It is the mind that moves           || http://schizoid.in   || D17F

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