On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Vijay Thakur <sapat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. As a newbie things are not clear for me. So let me
> explain the my confusion in detail.
> I have a Public and Static IP Address.What will be the Hostname of my Qmail
> Server if my registered domain name is
> xyz.com.

You can assign any name to it but mail.xyz.com would be somewhat
conventional and preferable.

 Is there any other requirement at server end except Public &
> Static IP and FQDN.
 What kind of requirement ?

> There are MX Records, A Records, NS Records, SRV Records Tabs in my Domain
> Control Panel. Can you elaborate
> the options and entries.

There must be a Help Section in your Domain Control Panel which should
explain the options available. Else you can refer to the following
links to learn more about DNS and various types of records:


> Thanks
> Vijay Thakur
> Delhi

>> Today's Topics:
>>    1.  Qmail Help (Vijay Thakur)
>>    2. Re:  Qmail Help (Manish Kathuria)

>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Vijay Thakur <sapat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello All Friends,
>> >
>> > I have configure Qmail server by following the steps from :
>> > http://www.qmailtoaster.com in my Centos 5.6 Server.
>> > All is working fine in LAN as per the given steps at Qmail Toaster. Now I
>> > want to access my mail server globally like all other
>> > E-mail Services e.g. Yahoo, Gmail etc. I have a registered domain.
>> >
>> > Kindly guide that what things need to change in the server to access it
>> in
>> > a fancy way like mail.abc.com (webmail) or globally in
>> > outlook,thunderbird, evolution etc..
>> >
>> >
>> > With Warm Wishes,
>> >
>> > Vijay Thakur
>> You need to configure DNS for your domain and create an address record
>> like mail.yourdomain.com which should point to your server's IP
>> address. In order to make it globally accessible over the internet,
>> you should ideally have a public and static IP address pointing to the
>> server. Further, in order to receive incoming mails for your domain,
>> you should also specify the server (mail.yourdomain.com) as the MX for
>> your domain in the DNS records.

Manish Kathuria

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