It has been a terrible and shocking loss to all of us.

Like many on the list, I received his guidance on numerous occasions
which changed my IT software vision for ever. Way back in 1995, I was
struggling with my first slackware install, but for Raj, my network
card would have never come up and my linux journey would'nt have

I recall my earliest association with him on "dontpanic", Raj's Linux
based BBS [the only BBS which provided linux shell access!!]. The
hostname Raj chose for his BBS, clearly indicated his passionate
personality. Clearly, dont remember Raj in panic any time, ever so
cool and with sharp wits, sparking ideas would emerge !!

His firm convictions on Free and Open Source, passionate and
convincing words, resonate very often in my own work. I am sure, his
work has triggered many a top notch FOSS entrepreneurs, and in that
sense, his work continues.

My deepest condolences and prayers to the Almighty to help his family
bear the grave irreparable loss.


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