New versions of Fedora work better with old hardware, in my experience. Try
Fedora 17.
On Jan 15, 2013 5:00 PM, "Satish Kr Malanch" <>

> Hello all,
> I tried to install fc5 on one of my spare old server.As server was very old
> without dvd drive so i downlaod fc5 i386 (as x86_64 was also rejected by
> this server ) .Ok i install it in text mode and installtion was clean
> without any difficulty.
> Now as boot this server it show some error like
> *can not wrtie on /dev/isssp1*
> *permmision dennied*
> * *
> *
> *
> Here issp1 is partition of my hard drive for root ,( / )
> and system goes in recovery shell after asking for root password
> as enter in recovery mode and supply init 3 command , it mount almost every
> file as read only and finaly system freez during starting of services.
> i have tried chmod 777 /dev/issp1 also
> please suggest solution
> --
> With Best Regards:
> *Satish Kr Malanch*
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