Google Books loads Books pages with few machanism. One of them is loading
as low quality images.
Something like :
Its a page from Python book - Python: Essential Reference

You cannot restrict someone from printing or saving once the content is
available at user's end - thats a simple theory.
If you do not want to restrict too much, you can use commercial Flashpaper
or opensource Flexpaper (as suggested by Satyaakam Goswami) to load book. I
may be wrong here, never tried much, but for these Flashpaper/Flexpaper,
you probably have to convert your PDF to swf using their provided tools.

- Ravi Kumar

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 3:13 PM, satyaakam goswami <>wrote:

> >
> > But, these files, can only be viewed. They cannot be saved or printed.
> >
> > Any idea on how is this achieved ?
> >
> no idea how it was/is achieved , but something similar can be done  using
> and many other similar projects , did not
> understand why you want to restrict it ?
> -Satya
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