> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raju Mathur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 9:59 AM
> To: multiple recipients of
> Subject: Re: [ilugd]: FW: linux & novice
> Please don't confuse opinions with facts.  In your opinion Linux is
> just a kernel.  In mine it's the whole OS.  Those are opinions.  The
> fact is that people spend more time quibbling over terminology than
> actually doing something useful.  Call it Linux, GNU/Linux, Microsoft
> Linux, Unix, whatever you want but please don't expect the rest of the
> world to adhere to your nomenclature rules as the ultimate truth.

What do you mean by the OS, 
1) The Kernel
2) The Kernel + Associated Utilities
3) The Distribution

In my opinion, the utilities are disjoint to the Kernel. It is pretty 
simple to explain to a layman that the distribution is the Linux OS, 
but in such a forum as ILUGD, it would be more appropriate if we talked 
about the OS as just being the kernel.

And anyways, there's much squabbling going on between RMS and his supporters

and the opposition, don't just start another war. 

And while advising other people not to quibble over nomenclature, you 
yourself spent time writing the mail, instead of doing something useful.

Aw shucks, I am doing the same ;-)


> Regards,
> -- Raju
> -- 
> Raju Mathur               [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
> http://kandalaya.org/
>                       It is the mind that moves
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