
"aaahhhh.... the smell of liberation is sweet (liberation from
the nemesis of being a student -- exams!)"

People subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] have no doubt noticed the
recent quantum jump in requests for CDs. I strongly suggest that we
organize our show a little better by introducing a trouble-ticket
type of solution for the CD requests. Here is why:

* Currently the list members have no way of knowing if anyone has 
responded to the request or not.

* Some requests may thus go unanswered, which has a negative impact 
on the popularity we have gained over the past few months.

* The whole process of posting one's contact address and phone number
to a public mailing list and just _hoping_ for a reply seems like a 
bad way of doing it.

* The person posting the request has no idea about what resources/CDs
are currently available, with whom, and for how much. It would be much
better if the whole process is rethought and streamlined.

Ok lots of big words and ideas there, so in the ilug-d spirit of things :-),
I am volunteering to research into possible FLOSS solutions to the above

One trouble-ticketing system I have dabbled with in the past is 
phpMyHelpDesk.  It uses PHP so does that disqualify it from being
on a linux-delhi server? ;-)

In the coming few days I would be exploring the options available and
would request everyone to share their view on this matter. If you have any
experiance with such solutions then please report it here.

Feels nice to be getting back into the geekdom groove ;-)

        Vipul Mathur         (O,O)    mail at vipulmathur dot org
   http://vipulmathur.org/   (   )   vipul at linux-delhi dot org
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
                   -- Morpheus, "The Matrix"

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