you said it,  mysteries never cease. who am i but am mere mortal attempting to 
resolve it. 

19th is the day for the meet. that is the there. 

however, there are slight finalizations for the talks which will be posted 

hopefully, the venue also will remain the same. 


On Monday 06 January 2003 03:48 pm, you wrote:

> dear all,
> the third sunday of the first month of the new year
> is hurtling towards us like a searing meteorite
> burning fiercely in the stratosphere.
> the rosy winter of the indian capital
> will wake up with a bang to its sudden impact,
> circa 19 january, 2003.
> astronomers have pointed out a peculiar co-incidence.
> for every third sunday of each month,
> the celestial event of a linux-delhil meeting takes place.
> mysteries never cease.
> what will be our rites of passage, this time,
> oh binary tribals?
> :-)
> LL
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