> Dear all,
> Can any one tell me what is the full meaning of SAP.
> awaiting for your reply.
> regards,
> malkiat

click Start -> Run
type "iexplore" without quotes and press enter
this will open internet explorer
in the address bar, type "http://www.google.com"; without quotes
there you'll see a page similar to http://www.google.com

your cursor will automatically be in the input box where you can type
type "SAP meaning" without quotes

put your right hand over your computer mouse*, move the mouse pointer to
the button which is titled "Google Search". left click that button

to your surprise automagically a new page will be displayed which most
probably will contain links to your query.

now how do yu distiguish between links and text? simple. links usually
are blue in color and have a blue line under them, and when you move
your mouse pointer over them, the pointer converts into a hand.
remember, it'd be a digital hand image, not a real human or elvish hand.

you've to click one of those links to get an answer to your query.

you could also thank google, and avail many of their services by
clicking on the following link - http://www.google.com/services/

hope i was of some help

* i am assuming you are right handed
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| vivek                | GPG Key:                |
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