Use winbind which comes with the Standard Samba package in RH73. You may also take the latest Samba update for RH73. You can make your Linux Boxes members of the Active Directory Domain on the Win2k Server. You can even test that the Active Directory server recognises your machine. Obviously it will require you to change the necessary PAM files for authentication purposes. It will work this far without requiring any modifications in the Active Directory setup.

Further, you are required to set anonymous read permissions in the Active Directory. This permission is set to all authenticated users by default. My exercise to get the Linux machine authenticated stopped at the previous paragraph step. I am sincerely interested to know the outcome at your place.

There was yet another package, which I am forgetting. It tried to do some schema modification to achieve this. I could not succeed there.

Anand Shankar

peekay_52 wrote:

Dear all,

I want to implement RH 7.3 Valahala clients in a lab of our college where about 2500 students study. But a problem, I do not want to create as many user accounts per machine. Since I have windows 2000 Server as Domain controller and users are autheticated from there. Can I use same domain controller for authentication on Linux machines? If yes , how? Kindly point me to a knowledge source.

Thnx in anticipation

With warmest Regards

PK Sharma

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