Use a latter version than rh 7.3 such as rh 8.0 .
GO to nvidia's website . you will need download the
nforce drivers for linux at

On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 bipin sartape wrote :
hi friends,
           tushar helped to install red hat 7.3
atleast in text mode.
     i am using A7N266-VM ASUS motherboard with
onboard video memory using nVidia 220D Ge Force MX
integrated GPU.

    i am not able to install in GUI mode. the screen
goes blank.
      when I am running XConfigurator the screen shows
  Please anyone can suggest me what is the problem and
where do i get the drivers. also i would be gratefule
if any help is available 4 installing it as i am a
--thanks a lot..

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