Title: Re: eMac vs PowerBook - iTunes Visualiser
At 11:51 PM -0600 12/8/2008, ./aal wrote:
do more thinking and less dismissing dan

Very well.  Let us think...

The morphology of this issue:

Part 1, from the OP:
I installed Leopard on my eMac 1.25Ghz with 1GB of RAM. Whilst playing
some music in iTunes I turned on the visualiser - my kids like it. It 
was extremely jerky. I put this down to Leopard on a lower end Mac.

I have Leopard on my PowerBook G4 867Mhz with 768MB of RAM. I ran 
iTunes and the visualiser on this and it is as smooth as anything.

Two G4 Macs, each running Leopard and presumably the same vers of iTunes, but the visualizer is jerky on the eMac.

Now, Part 2, some critical information not offered until SIX messages into the thread:
when I use the PowerBook it is connecting wirelessly via the eMac to the firewire drive and it works fine.

Ah.  So the plot thickens.  The load on the two machines is NOT equal.  The eMac is acting as server.  (And the OP has STILL not stated what ELSE is running on that eMac).

Ok.  Now, I'll throw in Part 3 - personal observation tonite at my neighbor's home:
--> My neighbor's 1.25-GHz eMac running Leopard.  The visualizer runs just fine - totally smooth.

hum... Visualizer is smooth on older/slower Macs *AND* on a basically IDENTICAL eMac.  IMO, that wipes out the CPU diff theory TWICE over.

So what's causing the stutter?

Well, I think we can probably rule out disk i/o speed - streaming audio data thru a system takes a trivial amount of bandwidth.  Besides, the Mac with the SLOWER disk i/o speed is NOT stuttering.

Slow CPU?  No - see above.

Unavailable CPU?  hum.  iTunes is notorious for being a CPU pig and seems to be quite sensitive to other apps taking up too much of the processor.  Case in point:  The visualizer plods slowly (but smoothly) on my 300-MHz Smurf until I let Safari do anything - it then grinds to a halt.  Ok.  Maybe that's it.  Maybe.  To really see what's going on we NEED MORE INFORMATION!

But wait!  Take a look at what was in my FIRST reply in this thread!  Could it be?  YES!  A totally ignored request for, you guessed it, MORE INFORMATION:

At 10:38 AM -0500 12/8/2008, Dan wrote:
What else is running in that Mac?   What does Activity Monitor show?

I'm looping in this thread now.  yea.  Time for bed.  Nite.

- Dan.  (still loading up iTunes with stuff!)
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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