On Feb 16, 2009, at 6:04 PM, Simon Royal wrote:

> Hi.
> I posted a few weeks ago about a text panic on my little boys eMac.  
> Well it hasn't been the same since.
> Random lock ups when starting or using Safari and numerous Kernel  
> Panics.
> I ran Disk Utility and the boot drive had an error when I ran the  
> Verify Disc option. Something about BitMap Error.
> I repaired it and it was succesful and presumed everything was ok.  
> A few days later the problem came back, so I repaired it once  
> again, but the problem is back again.
> System is: eMac 1.25Ghz, 1GB RAM, 80GB hard drive (which I fitted a  
> few months ago), running 10.4.11.
> Is the hard drive shot? Is it worse than that?
> Simon

        If you have valuable data on this machine, back it up if you have  
not already. I'd try making a new account and seeing if there is  
still problems. If still the problems persist, I'd suggest  
reinstalling. That method works the best IMO. If you still have the  
problems after reinstalling, then either the disc used to install the  
OS is damaged, or the hard Drive is shot. Also, the RAM could be bad  
too. Try re-seating the RAM, or replacing any recently added modules.  
if the problems stop after you change the RAM, then the RAM was  
faulty. Also, you may have leaking capacitors. This is a common  
problem with the eMac. to test for this, open the emac memory access  
slot, and with a flashlight, look for brown or orange gunk. If you  
see that, then that would most likely be the problem. If you have  
AppleJack installed, you can use that to test the memory, hard drive,  
etc. Good luck! 

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