At 10:25 PM -0500 11/23/2009, Robert Pangrazio wrote:
>So to try and put it simply
>OS X Universal Apps can run on either Intel or PowerPC processors, 
>some OS X apps will specify one or the other.

No, no specify.

Universal means that the .app is for OS X and *always* contains 
*both* ppc and x86 code.  So it WILL run on either a powerpc or intel 
based Mac, under OS X.

The app may still be restricted as to what version of OS X it 
requires because of the features it uses and/or the way the developer 
built it.  (eg: The upcoming Firefox 3.6 is Universal and requires 
Tiger or better.  The upcoming Firefox 3.7 is Universal but requires 
Leopard or better).

Note that "Universal" is basically moot when it comes to Snow Leopard 
because SL only runs on x86-based Macs.

>Carbon Apps can run on either Intel under OS X, or under either 9 or 
>OS X on PowerPC machines

Carbon apps are powerpc based, but can run under OS 9 or OS X 
(again, with the same restrictions as above).  If run on an 
intel-based Mac, then they automatically use the Rosetta ppc->x86 
translator.  There is no such thing as a Carbon Universal app - to be 
Universal, you must use Cocoa - the native code-base of OS X, instead 
of Carbon.

Just to add some confusion... You can run a carbonized app in Classic 
(OS 9) within OS X.  Kindof strange to want to do so, but it works.

Apple dropped support for Classic (the OS 9 emulator) in Leopard, and 
never supported it at all on intel-based Macs, regardless of OS X 
version.  Sheep Shaver restores (most of) that support on the 
intel-based Macs.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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