it might be helpful to add that my friend only uses her computer with word- college professor- and email that is mostly work related.
thanks again
On Jan 12, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Jan 12, 2010, at 10:27 AM, gladys pérez-almiroty wrote:

again i call on you to help me help a friend. she called and told me
that she has a problem with some corrupted icons. i will go there
tonight and see if i can determine if it is just the icons or the
document. any ideas or help? has anybody solved this? how? other than
erasing the problem and doing it over? she has a backup, but it has
the same problem.

Make sure that some other program hasn't taken over the file types in other works the icons aren't 'corrupted' just different.

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