At 5:13 AM -0800 2/17/2010, tvenney wrote:
I am getting duplicate (4to10) email

One duplicate of one email?
Multiple duplicates of every email?
Duplicates of emails from this particular google group?

and also having problems deleting e-mail using Apple Mail.

What problems, specifically?

You select the message, hit cmd-D and .... your screen goes plaid? You get some error message (that you have chosen to not reveal to us) or ?

Your description doesn't explain much. To help you we need details. (And that lack of details is probably why noone responded quickly to your query).

It just started yesterday .I have checked the setting in mail preferences and nothing seems amiss . I did check my provider ( and there is no duplicates there .
I have run Onyx and disc utility  to see if it is something in my
prefs or cache with no luck. I also turned off sharing ,sync and (mobile me)


I have a macbook via airport also doing the same thing. Both are
using 10.5.8 and Apple mail 3.6. and Safari 4.0.4

So you *two* different Macs, both running Leopard and Apple Mail, both accessing the same mail account? Or two different accounts on the same provider's servers? IMAP or POP3?

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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