Thanks!  I did and they do.  Running 10.5.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Robert Pangrazio <>wrote:

> Some basic things to try.
> Have you tried the wifi adapters in another computer? While I agree that
> its unlikely that they both don't work, stranger things have happened.
> Is it running OSX or 9?
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 1:08 AM, Dave <> wrote:
>> I have an older eMac loaned out that's been working fine.
>> It receives the internet wirelessly via USB and stopped  receiving.
>> I looked at it and the light on the wireless receiving device was out, so
>> I tried to install another one.  The light was out on this device as well.
>> When I opened that hard drive's properties, I found that it was listed as
>> containing zero kb.  When I opened parts of it, I found that the parts were
>> their usual size - even if the sum seemed to be zero.
>> The USB ports seem to work OK - the keyboard and a flash drive are just
>> fine.
>> Can anyone help?
>> --
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