On Oct 27, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Thunder 1 wrote:

> Everyone might want to check this out.
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45053071/ns/technology_and_science-security/#.Tqmfr2BNxqN


This is not a "trojan". This is a piece of DDOS software which has interfaces 
to do other things (like run any bash command you want...). It's not 
weaponized, you have to seek it out and download it because you want to be a 
1334 h4x0r like Anonymous so you grab any old skriptkiddie file you can find 
and install it. The big whoop: it's been compiled to run on OS X! <scary voice> 

Probably by the deep and astonicshingly complicated formula of :

sudo make install

Only the 1334est of the 1334 B1FF!! h4x0rz know this sekrit incantation!!

(see the B1FF entry here for the full 
story...<http://www.suslik.org/Humour/Computer/Internet/nl1.html>, and I'll 
note, for the record, that my Kibo number is 1.)

There's another alert out for malware stuffed into a pirated copy of Graphic 
Converter (which is really REALLY dumb. Do you want to use GC forever without 
ever paying? Just put up with the 30 second delay when you launch it. That's 
it. It's better all around if you pay for it, because Thorsten is a giant in 
the Mac software world, but there's no need whatsoever to pirate it.)

Both are being hyped maximally by the AV and windoid security folks: "OMIGOD! 

They will go the way of all Mac malware: as minor curiosities in the history of 
malware, maybe even seen a handful of times in the wild.

The one single most important thing you can do to secure your Mac is to turn of 
the single greatest security hole in OS X: Uncheck Safari's "Open 'safe' files 
after downloading" in the preferences.

Out of the box, OS X has no services available from the outside; every box in 
the sharing control panel is unchecked.

No, you will not get a virus form email.

No, if your computer is acting funky it is not because of a virus.

No, you cannot 'inadvertently' give some PC user a virus, it would have to be a 
delberate act on both your parts. Additionally, if that PC user does not have 
active and up-to-date av/as software, they're already infected.

No, you really don't need to run av software on your Mac, and if a web page 
ever does pop up claiming you have one, (presuming you've done  what I've said 
about turning off that Safari pref) laugh at them and close the window.

If you absolutely MUST run AV software, at LEAST don't pad the wallets of the 
AV charlatans with your hard-earned dollars, use ClamXAv 

Don't download software from anyplace that isn't the software authors home 
page. (well, or the Mac App store, if you want. It is safe, but not downloading 
from there is a political act, not a security one)

So no Softpedia, Cnet, etc blah blah blah of the stupid software aggregators. 
Any software author worth her salt will include the web page in the About info, 
or under the Help menu. 

And don't steal it. There's never a reason to steal software, because there's 
always a free or cheaper alternative out there somewhere. 

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
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