At 11:44 AM -0800 12/28/2011, Dale Goodvin wrote:
I am using OSX 10.5.8 and cannot figure out how to burn a video file that I've downloaded onto my my hard drive onto a dvd. The file is in the following format: "name of file.flv" and plays via Adobe Media Player. If I just burn the file itself onto a dvd, of course it is "unrecognizable" to the dvd player, so I need to know how to do convert it into a recognizable video format.

FLV is a container file (like .mov, .avi, .mkv, .mpg) that can contain a number of different data streams, in various formats.

DVD-Video requires MPEG 2 video and MPEG 1 layer 2 audio, broken up into a special layout.

Some DVD Players also support playing certain container files, of varying formats. Mine, for example, will do AVI files that contain certain MPEG4 codecs and MP3 audio.

You need to transcode your flash media file into something your DVD Player can handle.

One of my fav tools is Set Burn to do a DVD-Video, drag the container file onto it, and it automagically handles the transcoding then the reformatting, then burning process.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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