Greetings everyone.

Bit of a problem here. First, the basic info:

2.4 GHz Intel iMac Core 2 Duo

The Problem:

In my Dock, I had a folder entitled "Favorites" that I had stored my
favorite MP3s and video clips in. Today, Friday the 13th of course,
upon starting up my iMac, the place holder for this "Favorites" 
folder in the dock showed a question mark where the icon for
the folder should be. Hmm. I detected a problem. Here is what
I did to try to rectify the problem:

Did a "Find" for my Favorites folder. Not anywhere it shows.
Restarted in "Safe Mode". No change in the dock icon.
Restarted in normal mode. No change.
Ran Disk Utility, and, as is usual, it noted many permissions
that were whacky. 
Repaired permissions, verified permissions and disk. No problems 
with that routine.
Restarted normally. No change in icon; still the question mark.

How can I get my Favorites folder back easily? I have a back-up
of my entire system, but if there is an easier way to fix this, I sure
would like to know. 

Also, what would be the underlying cause for this behavior?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!

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