It currently runs Tiger. I have ran Leopard on a 400mhz G4 it is just removing 
the need for AltiVec at this point. 
On May 29, 2012, at 7:14 AM, Peter Haller <> wrote:

> While, it is basically impossible within reason, and I'm assuming you meant 
> OS X 10.5.  Either way, these are the MINIMUM requirements for Leopard, and 
> your G3 would require a complete overhaul just to run it at its minimum. 
>   A Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or Power PC G4 (867 MHz or 
> faster) processor
> 512 MB memory or more
> A DVD drive for installation
> 9 GB of available disk space or more 
> However, you could try to put something like 10.2 ( Jaguar) on it, but that's 
> just about as far as I would go.
> Best Regards,
>                  Peter

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