Thanks! Some minor amplification below.

On Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 1:04:43 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> On Oct 23, 2019, at 3:41 AM, William Spencer < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hi there: I have not yet installed Catalina and need to know a couple of 
> things first, please: 
>    - I currently keep iTunes on a separate, external HD due to the fact 
>    that there’s not enough room for it on the main HD (capacity 250GB, but 
>    iTunes currently uses a bit over 500GB)
>    - Will Catalina understand and maintain that separation?
> I see no reason why it shouldn’t. This information is stored in the iTunes 
> database, presuming you’re running the current pre-Catalina version.
> That said, if you’re speaking of the Mac Mini in your sig, it’s only 
> moderately difficult to swap in a 1 Tb SSD (currently ~$100) which neatly 
> solves the whole space issue. 

I should have specified: the Mini's HD is 100% SSD...and I also thought 
that the machine was sealed and could not be upgraded. But maybe I'm 
thinking of something else. If it can be upgraded then I might consider 
doing so later on (that $100 just isn't in the picture for now).


>    - Will my classic iPod (the last model they made) still work with 
>    Catalina and the replacement for iTunes?
> No idea, but if it works with iTunes in OS X 10.14, I expect it might. I’d 
> definitely do some research first!
>    - I back up iTunes (& everything else) to another separate, external 
>    partitioned HD using Carbon Copy Cloner because I have been under the 
>    impression that Time Machine can't handle the separate HD for iTunes, 
>    though I forget why that’s the case
> ISTR Time Machine can only back up HFS+ or APD volumes, so if it’s a 
> MS-DOS volume it won’t work.

The backup drive isn't MS-DOS so on that score it should be okay. But I 
have a dim memory that because the backup is partitioned (one for the HD, 
one for the iTunes drive) Time Machine wouldn't work...something about 
having to select the "drive" at the time of backup, but again it's been 
quite a while so I'm not sure.


>    - Will that backup strategy continue to work with Catalina, or will 
>    Time Machine be the way to go? Or will backing up be handled differently 
>    now?
> I’ve seen no indication that Apple’s abandoning Time Machine any time soon 
> (although there have been under-the-hood changes with Catalina ) but 
> external drive backups like you’re describing are straight forward Finder 
> disk copies, so that’s not going away either.
> -- 
> Bruce Johnson
> University of Arizona
> College of Pharmacy
> Information Technology Group
> Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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