(reposted with correct subject line, and correct amount of coffein)

The second PIL 1.1.6 alpha is now available from the public subversion

    $ svn co http://svn.effbot.python-hosting.com/tags/pil-1.1.6a2-20060303

If you prefer to use the latest alpha, whatever it is, use this command

    $ svn co http://svn.effbot.python-hosting.com/pil

(note that the latter points to the latest "stable alpha or beta", not the
development trunk, and should be relatively safe to use in any project that
don't necessarily need a proper "final" release)

This release mostly contains bug fixes, including an updated Sane driver
with better support for duplex scanning.  For more information, see:


Report bugs to this list as usual.  (bugs in the alpha/beta releases can
also be reported directly to me, if you prefer)

enjoy /F

Image-SIG maillist  -  Image-SIG@python.org

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