It is on Debian Linus, I am not sure how our data center rep 
installed it. That's part of the problem. It looks like this uses a library 
called jpeg-6b instaled of libjpeg.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Barker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 2:40 PM
To: Kathleen Krause-Thompson
Subject: Re: [Image-SIG] FW: PIL

How did you install it? What OS, etc is this on?

It looks like you've got a version without the jpeg library compiled in. 
You need a version that has got jpeg support, then you should be able to 
install it on top of the one there,


Kathleen Krause-Thompson wrote:
>> We are getting the error below in Plone with PIL 1.1.6. Would it be best to 
>> uninstall and then install PIL? How should it be uninstalled please? Thanks.
>> usr/local/src/Imaging-1.1.6$python
>> *****************************************************************

>> IOError: decoder jpeg not available

Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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