So far I've used Python with Tkinter, and a touch of PIL. I'm pretty bound by Tkinter, since I'm modifying a program that used it quite a bit for the GUI ability rather than analysis of images with IP (image processing).

Christopher Barker wrote:

Wayne Watson wrote:
I would like to create a transparent image with a circle on it and a crosshair at the center of the circle, then place it on top of the first (real) image (produced by the h/w). I have no trouble drawing on the real image, but I'd like use this transparency idea here. The reason is that eventually I'd like the user to drag around the circle over the real image,

I'm not sure what GUI toolkit you're using, but it probably makes sense to use the toolkits drawing routines for this kind of thing.

I know it's pretty easy with wxPython -- look fro various articles in the Wiki by searching for "drawing". Also, under "images", I think you'll find info about interfacing between IL images and wx.Image.



          Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

            (121.01 Deg. W, 39.26 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)****

         "Less than all cannot satisfy Man." -- William Blake

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