Hey Guys,

I've got it!  Mucho thanks for the very cool numpy example from Chris and of course to everyone else for the assistance.  I can now add this code to a program that upsamples these images so they look better when plotted on a GIS map.  I realize that I'm technically destroying data by blasting pixels from the image, but sometimes it's better to have a pretty presentation!

You can try this code by grabbing a radar image from the source server:


from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

#Open the raw radar image
raw_image = Image.open("ABR_N0Z_0.gif")

# make an array out of the image:
a = np.asarray(raw_image).copy()

# The noise colors are index 0,7,8 in the palette
# I used IrfanView to determine this
noise_colors = [0,7,8]

# white is index 15
white = 15

# Replace the noise colors with white
for color in noise_colors:
    a[a==color] = white

# Build the clean image from the array
im1 = Image.fromarray(a, mode='P')

# Give it the original palette

# Save it out
Image-SIG maillist  -  Image-SIG@python.org

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