On 27/05/2009, at 10:44, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Seph Soliman <s...@konstellation.dk> wrote:
Would it be possible to compile and run a local version of PIL 1.1.7 with
Django even if 1.1.6 is installed in site-packages in the python
installation? We're running Django through Apache with mod_python currently.

Yes, you can install it locally and then make sure the installation
directory comes before site-packages in sys.path (e.g. by adding it to
PYTHONPATH, or by manipulating sys.path in settings.py).

If you install it in DIR, you may want to add both DIR and DIR/PIL to
the path to make sure that both "import Image" and "from PIL import
Image" works properly (if you always use the latter form, you only
need DIR in the path).
Very thourough answer. I appreciate it, thank you. :-)


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