If you have a 64 bit OS, you can try Python mmap / numpy.memmap with Python2.6. And mmap objects have also the new buffer interface. Didn't try it so far with that sizes.

PIL says in Image.frombuffer's doc that it can directly reuse existing buffers: "For some modes, the image memory will share memory with the original buffer (this means that changes to the original buffer object are reflected in the image). Not all modes can share memory; supported modes include "L", "RGBX", "RGBA", and "CMYK"." However it didn't work when I tried it recently - both with normal buffers (array.array / numpy.ndarray) and mmap. But buffer(a) tells about 'read-only'. Maybe with Py2.7 / Py3 ..

Yet with numpy / scipy.ndimage you can perhaps also do your "collaging" neatly.

Otherwise with 32bit (wonder who is using such big image), and in case its just about sticking rectangles and simple resizing, you can perhaps simply do some iteration over lines on file.seek(x+y*cx...) level


B. Bogart wrote:
Thanks all for your help.

The code generates a large image from many small ones.

So I'll just scale each image individually before collaging them.


Gregor Kopka wrote:

to process a ~ 25GB (uncompressed image data) you are afaik out of luck
with PIL.
Only chance would be to use a fairly recent 64 bit OS with 64 bit python
binaries (some custom patches /might/ be needed though) and give it a
hefty amount of swapspace (at least eight times main memory) to fit the
image into virtual memory, but then you would wait for the disk for
hours (at best) or - depending on the operations you want to perform -
way longer.

The question of how to open the resulting image also arises...

Since you didn't give any details on what you need as output format, or
the operations you want to perform on the image while in memory (or
whereever it might be at that point) it's hard to give any better clues.



B. Bogart schrieb:
Hello all,

I want to create a very large RGBA image (96000x72000 pixels).

I have 4GB of RAM.

Is there an easy way of getting around this error by having PIL only
allocate one section of the image at a time?

If PIL does not have any internal trick to work with large images then
I'll have to make 4+ smaller images one at a time, but then I'm not sure
how I could combine them without needing to allocate a memory chunk for
the whole image.

Otherwise I suppose I'll have to try with some other language, perhaps
C/SDL, though a quick calculation seems to show that such a large RGBA
image is just unworkable. Is there some way of using disk space rather
than memory? Does not matter if it is slow, just that it is possible!

Any advice?

Image-SIG maillist  -  Image-SIG@python.org

Image-SIG maillist  -  Image-SIG@python.org

Image-SIG maillist  -  Image-SIG@python.org

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