Do you have the necessary support libraries on your machine?  (see the
README file).

There are prebuilt versions out there too; maybe some Mac hackers can
chime in and point you to the latest and greatest.


On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Paul Ross <> wrote:
> Hi there and I'm sorry to bother you but...
> I know that PIL is Windows-centric but is there any chance that it will 
> support Snow Leopard on Apple Mac some time soon?
> I have been trying to build PIL from source on Snow Leopard without success 
> as it appears to only support PNG and not other image formats such as JPEG.
> I have googled for the answer for a couple of hours now and tried many ad-hoc 
> things (deleting PIL, installing libjpeg etc. etc.) but I always just get 
> "IOError: decoder jpeg not available" whenever I try and manipulate JPEG 
> images
> Many thanks if you can help me hack PIL to build on a Mac!
> Paul.
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