On 11/16/11 4:03 PM, Morris, Chris wrote:
The following code:
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open("img.bmp")
brings up the default Windows 7 Image Viewer. The image viewer does not
display the image requested, but instead displays “windows photo viewer
can't open this picture because either the picture is deleted, or it's
in a location that isn't available”.
This site:
has an explanation for this behavior.
/What actually happens is that the Windows code relies on the fact that
the default image viewer on Windows XP was able to work at blocking mode
- this means that the command will wait until the image window will be
closed. Because of that behaviour, they constructed a command line which
deletes a file right after the image has been shown.//
Windows Vista doesn't work the same way, it immediately returns once the
command has been executed, so what happens now is that the temporary
file gets immediately deleted by the command line, and the image viewer
doesn't have enough time to load the image before it is being deleted.
Here is a quick workaround:
Edit C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\PIL\ImageShow.py, and around line 99,
replace with the following line:
return "start /wait %s && PING -n 5 > NUL && del /f %s" %
(file, file)/
I would like to report this behavior as a bug.
Please open a ticket:
- https://bitbucket.org/effbot/pil-2009-raclette/issues/new
Image-SIG maillist - Image-SIG@python.org
Alex Clark · http://pythonpackages.com
Image-SIG maillist - Image-SIG@python.org