Hi All,

I have setup our mail server to store the mail for one of our customers if
their mailserver (MS Exchange) goes down. Our setup is according to
Ipswitch's (and this lists) instructions. However our server didn't store
their mail last weekend when their power went down. Our mailserver sent the
mail back to the sender with a "550 not local host galorath.com, not a
gateway" error. Below is our DNS and hosts configuration:

galorath.com.           IN      A
                       IN      MX      10
                       IN      MX      20 boca.netwood.net.
www                     IN      CNAME   galorath.com.
ftp                     IN      CNAME   galorath.com.
mail                    IN      A

#       localhost mail.galorath.com galorath.com

The domain galorath.com is not in IMail configuration.

Why wasn't the mail stored and forwarded?

Jonas Fornander - System Administrator
Netwood Communications - www.netwood.net
Find out why we're better - 310-442-1530

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