What is the proper DNS configuration for a situation where you have many
virtual hosts.  Ideally, I would think that CNAME's would be the best
option for ease of configuration if I ever had to change the IP address
of mail..

Let me know if there are any pitfalls with this.  Also, assume there
will be a proper PTR record for mail.mydomain.com

Primary Domain For The Mail Server

mydomain.com    IN      MX      10      mail.mydomain.com.
mail                    IN      A     

Now for the virtual hosts               

virtualhost.com IN      MX      10      mail.mydomain.com.
pop                     IN      CNAME           mail.mydomain.com.
smtp                    IN      CNAME           mail.mydomain.com

virtualhost1.com        IN      MX      10      mail.mydomain.com.
pop                     IN      CNAME           mail.mydomain.com.
smtp                    IN      CNAME           mail.mydomain.com.



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