From past experience this is how we was able to figure it out at the ISP that I use to help.
There were several clients that were receiving duplicate, and sometime in triplicate e-mails
In the outlook. (Rather Outlook Express (or) Office outlook) And this as well, has happen
to some of the people on my server as well. But since knowing the following, it was quickly
Resolved without issue. (So now the clients know what to do if it happens again.)

What we have experience is the following:
Sometimes when the client is downloading mail from the server, either outlook, (or) there
Internet Connection, decides to go to the dogs, as in, Loose connection in the middle of
downloading the mail, due to numerous of reasons, This would cause "IMail" To duplicate
The e-mails in the clients box. Thus when the client went to check the e-mail again,
They would have "Only" duplicate e-mails of the messages, that were unable to complete
It's transmission, due to "Network Issue, Outlook Issue, or what have you"
Once we were able to test this theory out, and actually saw the e-mail duplicate
them selves, within the "Web Mail" boxes, we let our customer's know about this find,
And ask if they had experienced some sort of a "Line Drop, Outlook Issue" And all
Responded back, by letting us know, that there was indeed a "Telephone Line Issue"
That they did experience a short down time, while downloading e-mail.

And this has been the case ever since.

Line issue | Outlook Issue | Modem Issue | Cable Modem Issue | DSL Issue |
either of the above, can effect the IMail server, from sending the mail to the client,
And completing the task, As when all the mail is download onto the clients system<
You will see..... <Cleaning up mail from server> If something causes this not to accrue,
Then the e-mail will become duplicated, Because IMail thinks that all the mail is downloaded.
And thinks that new mail has just been brought in,

(( This is our experience, Rather this is every ones is a different story, But is something to look in on ))

Take Care and HTH

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