Thanks for the reply Scott.  However, as a sometimes-programmer, I fail to
understand how Imail can write information into a log, but can't use that
same information in the bounce?  And this has been going on for how long,
and it's not "fixed" yet?

----- Original Message -----
From: "R. Scott Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: March 20, 2003 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Misleading bounce message from Postmaster

> >Can somebody explain the following:
> >(Synopsis: User gets bounce message from Postmaster saying "Unknown
> >but logs say "exceeded storage allocation" ???)
> That's due to the (unfortunate) way that IMail handles bounces.  IMail
> produces a generic "Unknown user" message, regardless of what the real
> reason for non-delivery is for the user.
> >03:20 18:05 SMTP-(00000044) >RCPT To:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >03:20 18:05 SMTP-(00000044) 552 Requested action not taken: exceeded
> >storage allocation
> Unfortunately, there isn't any way to get IMail to include the reason for
> failure.
>                                                     -Scott
> ---

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