We are
using a product called Brightmail as a SMPT gateway spam filter. In the last two
years we have grown from 100,000 messages (50% spam) per day to nearly 900,000
per day. Brightmail has eliminated over 90% of this traffic as spam, freeing our
Imail server to do it's job. It's a bit on the expensive side but, what is your
time worth.
their web site: http://www.brightmail.com/
Brightmail Anti-Spam™ is a high performance
software solution that blocks spam at the Internet gateway. Combining several
patented techniques, Brightmail Anti-Spam offers the best accuracy rate available in spam filtering technology, with an industry
leading false positive rate of fewer than 1 false positive in every 1 million
messages identified as spam.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Pierre Mengal
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 6:26 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Spam ChallengeHello,We are really infested by spam, and this is becoming a serious problem.
We can't spend so many time to sort real spam and and customer emails. So sometimes, a customer email is put into quarantine, which is a disaster.We tested the challenge system of some customers, and this is the solution we need. However, we don't know how to enable that in Imail 8.1. Is it possible ? If not is it planned ? If yes when ? If no, what are the third party solutions ?I had already contacts with SpamLion. They look very unprofessionnal to me (judging the replies I had from the legitimate quesitons I asked to them), so I don't want to consider their products.Thanks a lot in advance !Pierre Mengal