I've been trying to track down some really poor performance on our mail server the last couple days as its slow delivery is becoming a problem. A couple days ago we took over another hosting another domain's email, but I can't seem to make a definate coorelation here. Some mail stats to give an idea of the volume this server handles:

Day before transfer:

Domain                      # In  # Out    Bytes In  Bytes Out
domain1.net                36464   1701   310067122  129003006
[postmaster]                   0   7619           0   19343341
domain2.net                 1950    317    30006230   16592255

Day after transfer:

Domain                      # In  # Out    Bytes In  Bytes Out
domain1.net                27123   1063   286810204   49532189
newdomain.net              17966    422   184149770   29170244
[postmaster]                   0   5986           0   15372554
domain2.net                 1611    208    29166077    9173684

Just a bit ago: D:\IMail\tools>spoolviewer

IMail SpoolViewer 1.01 - (C) Copyright 2003 Computerized Horizons.
Please consider using our anti-spam and anti-virus software for IMail servers.

# E-mails being received right now:         805
# E-mails being delivered right now:        51 [91 recips]
# E-mails awaiting re-tries:                3956 [4358 recips]
# E-mails awaiting first delivery attempt:  0 [0 recips]
# Overflow E-mails:                         0 [0 recips]
# Orphaned E-mails:                         970

We do run Declude 1.75 Pro (both Virus & Junkmail), but on a per user basis (about 400 total users configured for it). Looking in Task Manager, Declude does seem to be taking up a good amount of cpu usage (spikes to 100%, drops, then spikes again). It is also common to see about 20 instances of declude running.

Window 2000 Server, SP 4 all updates
Imail 8.10 HF2
Declude 1.75
CPU: P4 2.4 GHz
Mem: 1GB

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. If any more info would be helpful, let me know.
::James Nelson

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