> The  problem  is  all internal mail leaves my firewall so Imail sees
> the IP of the external card.

What  do  you  mean  by "all internal mail leaves my firewall"? Do you
mean  that  your  IMail  machine  is  in  a  DMZ, creating an internal
firewall  between  your  users  and  the  mailserver, and you are also
NATing   the  traffic  from  internal-->DMZ?  Can  you  describe  this
situation further?

> Not  a  big  deal I put the address of the firewall in and it works.
> Question  is  can  mail  from  the  outside  show the address of the
> firewall?

The  source  addresses  from  outside  should  always be preserved, if
you're worried about remote relaying...but there's always a broken way
to  set up a firewall so that it does as much harm as good. Your setup
isn't clear so far.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange Addresses into IMail Aliases!

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