My response to the topic of this thread was stating facts, and pointing out two problems with her zone file.


Scott, as is his reflex, just had to try call me out, and he was dead wrong.

( btw, when I posted my original msg, I was sure Scott would have some BS to pull with me, and, without fail, he did )

You know Scott's history playing "gotcha Len" on this list, so address yourself to Scott's eternal second-guessing, qualifying, nitpicking gotcha-BS of my (very few) posts here.

Until he stops, he will deserve and get whatever aggression I choose to post.

> But your continued bad mouthing of others can not be continued to be

You're dead wrong, too. "others" is only Scott playing "gotcha Len". List all of who you mean by "others".

> Why do you have this personal hatred of Scott

I have no hatred of Scott. see above, you darn well know the very long context.

> and publish it regularly on a public list?

I do nothing "regularly" here anymore. I try to help when I can, and will push back at Scott whenever his pulls his BS with me.

> You have sunk to a new low!

cut the melodrama. and who appointed you list nanny/censor?

Neither you nor any one else has any right to come onto a public list and
start verbal tirade against some one.

First, you, as self-appointed list nanny, tell Scott to stop advising me what I can and cannot post here.

You are an expert at DNS, yes, everyone knows that.

totally beside your nannying point, but whatever.

I've taken care of Scott, so can everybody else get back to technical issues?


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