Yesterday morning messages started stacking up in the spool directory, 20,000 
at one point and overflow (declude) for no apparent reason.  None of the 
obvious Stop/Start of services, reboots, check DNS, etc has fixed it.

We finally had to call IPSwitch tech support after several hours of this.  Eric 
remoted into the server, made a few minor changes to queuemgr settings 
(increased the max retry threads, etc), and created a new spool directory, and 
this seemed to have done the trick.

However, this morning, we're back to the same issue - email is not going out 

Anyone have any additional thoughts?  A follow up with IPSwitch will  be made 
to have them take a second look...


Randy Armbrecht
Global Web Solutions®, Inc.
(804) 346-5300 x112
(877) 800-GLOBAL x112

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