Thanks, Mark. I clearly see the certificates from the client in sendmail's log file. Here's an example:

Jun 3 13:09:14 st sendmail[18951]: STARTTLS=server, cert-subject=/DC=com/DC=TT-eXpress/OU=Main+20Directory/CN=Mike+20Schmidt/serialNumber=17, cert-issuer=/DC=com/DC=TT-eXpress/CN=TT-eXpress+20Root+20Authority+20CA+201, verifymsg=ok

This is clearly my certificate used for the TLS connection. If I understand correctly, c-client isn't doing the TLS negociation, Microsoft SSPI is. Sometimes there's no certificate, so I guess in that case only the server cert is checked.

I must say that I'm really pleasantly surprised by the way c-clients handles this. It works beautifully. Now, all I need to do is get some control over the client certs. Overall, I find my experience with c-client to be very positive.

Thanks, Mark. I appreciate c-client more and more as I work with it.


Mark Crispin wrote:

The Windows SSL code in c-client (which uses Microsoft SSPI) doesn't attempt to do anything about client certificates. It only validates the server certificate. If client certificates are used at all in the negotiation, it is SSPI/Windows that is doing that.

If you want to try to implement client certificates, the routine that you need to modify is ssl_start() in imap-200?/src/osdep/nt/ssl_w2k.c (maybe also ssl_nt.c and ssl_old.c).

-- Mark --
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Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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