I am running UW imapd and dmail with MBX mailbox format. I noticed using
debugfs "stat <file>" that the mail file can get quite badly fragmented
over time.

I wondered if there was any way to discourage this in the MBX code.
One thing that occurred to me was that maybe when the file is growed to
append new messages, that the requested allocation have "room for
expansion", e.g. rounded up to the next 20 blocks or something.
(maybe it already does this)

Just copying the mail file to a new location and moving it back seems to
get the fragmentation under control.

As an example, after this procedure, my mailbox had fragments of about 1k
blocks. Before, a heavy user had fragments of about 3 blocks each, not
all contiguous or even in order. Seems to me this must slow down disk
access a bit

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
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