On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, Josko Plazonic wrote:
I am testing 2006c1 for a new deployment and I noticed imapd was crashing if I tried copying a message into empty mbox mailboxes (as in zero length).

I believe that this issue is resolved in the imap-2006d development snapshot tarball:

This problem was introduced as part of UIDPLUS support back in imap-2005 development days, is specific to traditional UNIX mailbox format, and only with zero-length files. Normally, the UW IMAP software creates traditional mailbox format files with the internal DON'T DELETE message, so this issue only affects those sites which use external software to manipulate the files. The fact that nobody encountered it until now suggests that community is rather small.

So, I'm calling this a less-than critical problem, and will hold off on promoting imap-2006d to release status for a little while. We've had a few too many rapid releases lately, and I'm sure everybody would like a break... ;-)

-- Mark --

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Si vis pacem, para bellum.
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