On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 10:49:23AM -0500, Michael Cashwell wrote:
> Also, if you want real SSL/TLS then you will need a server-side cert  
> (that's either signed by a root authority known to the clients or  
> self-signed with your own root cert installed on the clients).  

warning - some of the cheaper certificate authorities (godaddy is
the one i use, i think comodo is in this category too) will use a
"chained" certificate; they sign their sigining cert with their
root, and then sign your cert with the signing cert.

this works fine with apache and with IIS, which have options to allow
this.  I could not figure out how to make it work with UW-imapd and
I *think* i asked here and was told it wasn't supported.  I ended up
buying a cert from thawte (which was cheaper than buying from verisign,
even though they are the same company).

when i bought the cert from thawte it was $99 if i follwed the link in
their google ad (search for ssl certificate and it shows up on top).
If you just go direct to thawte's web site it appears to be $149.

Dan Pritts, System Administrator
office: +1-734-352-4953 | mobile: +1-734-834-7224
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