Thanks for your report. To summarize, the following happened (please verify):

You had a power failure, which caused the entire contents of both the .mixstatus and .mixindex files to be lost and replaced with nulls.

You restored these files from backup.

You located newly-delivered messages since the backup in the data files, and recovered these by a small sed script that wrote those messages into a traditional UNIX format mailbox, then used mailutil append to copy those messages back into the mix mailbox.

My comments:

For recovering the .mixstatus file, your choices boil down to restoration from backup or reinitialization. Restoration from backup is probably always a better choice.

Recovering the .mixindex file is a bit more complex. If you restore from backup, you need to consider messages delivered to the data files since the backup. Or, you can regenerate an index from the data files, at the cost of a possible "unexpunge" of shared-expunged messages. An index reconstruct tool is definitely on my list.

Your trick of using a sed script is a clever one. I don't think that I can recommend it to J. Random Sysadmin, but it's certainly the best choice for a power-admin.

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
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