Thanks for contacting me about your interest in the ANNOTATEMORE patch.

I have had a copy of it in my queue since 2005; and I have been waiting to see the final disposition of the ANNOTATEMORE specification (which is still a draft, not an RFC). In particular, newer drafts use the standard astring rule as opposed to quoted strings, which would eliminate the need for the QSTRING/QLIST code in the patch (which I really do not want to use if possible). I'll contact the author of the specification and inquire about its status.

Also, I'm considering support for annotations in the new mix format; and thus wanted to review the interface in the patch to be sure that it would be more generally suitable as well.

Last but not least, I've been mulling over a possiblity of creating an interface by which you could plug in support for new IMAP extensions without having to modify c-client itself. In other words, Kolab could support ANNOTATEMORE itself using the unmodified c-client interface. This hasn't gone beyond the "thinking about" stage yet, but this might end up being the best overall solution.

Thanks for reminding me that I need to do something about this eventually.

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
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