
1. The flags ARE defined on the target mailbox already as all I am really doing is deleting a message and appending it back to the same folder slightly modified (annotated) but with the same keywords. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't * on the same message with the same keywords in the same folder *

2. Not true that the append command will not add new keywords. If I do an append on a folder that has NO keyword other than the "\system" ones defined and I add a "$Appended" keyword to the set of keywords to be assigned on append, it WILL get added to the message and folder (in MIX on the version of UW I am using).

This does not happen with MBX folders, however.

So -- this is behavior I can't rely on... I'll resolve by adding and removing $Annotated from the message I am going to delete before I delete it and before I add the new message. However, that doesn't explain the issue at hand.

3. Here you go on the logs. FYI , I have not been able to reproduce this yet on an MBX folder ... only on MIX folders.

Successful one:
Wed Jun 6 21:05:33 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : 00000007 APPEND mail/atest (\Flagged back $Annotated) " 4-May-2007 14:14:45 -04 Wed Jun 6 21:05:33 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : + Ready for argument
Wed Jun  6 21:05:33 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest]  :
Wed Jun 6 21:05:33 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : * OK Check completed [Wed Jun 6 21:05:33 2007] [11989] IDLib::MailBox::DEBUG - IMAP notify: 0: Check completed Wed Jun 6 21:05:33 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : * 349 EXISTS Wed Jun 6 21:05:33 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : * 1 RECENT Wed Jun 6 21:05:33 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : 00000007 OK [APPENDUID 1178301857 366] Check completed [Wed Jun 6 21:05:33 2007] [11989] IDLib::MailBox::DEBUG - IMAP notify: 0: [APPENDUID 1178301857 366] Check completed

Failed one:
Wed Jun 6 20:59:49 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : 00000029 APPEND mail/atest (\Flagged back $Annotated)
" 4-May-2007 14:14:45 -0400" {6829}
Wed Jun 6 20:59:49 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : + Ready for argument
Wed Jun  6 20:59:49 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest]  :
Wed Jun 6 20:59:49 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : * OK Check completed [Wed Jun 6 20:59:49 2007] [11982] IDLib::MailBox::DEBUG - IMAP notify: 0: Check completed Wed Jun 6 20:59:49 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : * 348 EXISTS Wed Jun 6 20:59:49 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : * 1 RECENT Wed Jun 6 20:59:49 2007 Mail::Cclient: [{email1/imap:143}mail/atest] : 00000029 OK [APPENDUID 1178301857 365] Check completed


So -- it looks like there are possibly 2 keyword issues related to appending and MIX:

1. Appending keywords that do not exist yet should not happen but does

2. Sometimes appending keywords that do exist does not happen. And when this happens, NONE of the keyword that are being added with the append get added.

-Erik Kangas

Mark Crispin wrote:
Hi Erik -

The telemetry that you provided is incomplete, as it does not contain the tagged OK response from your command.

I am looking for a tagged OK related to the APPEND command, something like:
    00000007 OK [APPENDUID 1181165017 1] APPEND completed
or perhaps something like:
    * NO Unknown flag: back
    00000007 OK [APPENDUID 1181165017 1] Unknown flag: $Annotated

I suspect that that the affected flag(s) are NOT defined in the destination mailbox. APPEND does NOT create flags, so if they are not defined in the destination mailbox then they will be disregarded.

-- Mark --

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